For us, Company Karma covers everything from our employees showing social responsibility by volunteering to coach the local football team, to our company project providing free equipment for a hen farm in Swaziland to reducing energy usage at our plants.

We believe that initiatives need to be embedded in our key business to make it credible. We try, where possible, to create quadruple winning situations where we, together with our companies, customers and partners, engage in a cause which we believe in and find important. 

Therefore, Company Karma is our business philosophy for ’doing good while doing business" as a way to create more value for society, but also value for the company itself. 

Our CSR approach is underpinned by our core values, open communication with our stakeholders, a materiality review, Code of Conduct and the UN's sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).



We work to reduce our environmental impact
We work to reduce our environmental impact

We acknowledge the impact that large-scale production has on the environment. Focusing on energy and the environment, we work to reduce our impact as much as possible.

We aim to offer a rewarding, meaningful and safe workplace for all our employees – no matter where in the world they work. We want to make a meaningful impact in the communities we work and throughout the world. SANOVO TECHNOLOGY GROUP engages in several activities to give back to those who are less fortunate.

Michael S. Midskov, CEO

Sustainable Growth

Sustainable Growth

Go to our strategies

Branding & Communication

Branding & Communication

Go to our projects

Corporate culture

Corporate culture

Learn more about our culture

Reports and Code of Conduct

We undertake an extensive investigation in order to produce a yearly Company Karma Report. 

2023 Report
Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct introduce three focus areas with their respective policies. 

To Code of Conduct