Our devotion to the well-being of people

We are committed to supporting the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights to make sure that businesses are not complicit in human rights abuse, both in respect of employees and partners, but also on a larger societal level.


• Dedicated to protecting internationally proclaimed human rights and endeavors to minimize any impact on such rights.
• Does not exercise or encourage any kind of forced or compulsory labor.
• Works for the abolishment of child labor of any sort.
• Committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for all of its employees.
• Strives to eliminate any kind of discrimination throughout employment and working life of its employees.
• Fully recognizes employees’ right to collective bargaining and encourages the freedom of association.
• Committed to complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) introduced in 2018 in the EU in order to protect personal data.


All of our group companies are introduced to the regulations of GDPR (the Data Protection Law Enforcement Directive and other rules concerning the protection of personal data) in order to ensure that they meet the rules accordingly. In 2019, all employees within the EU conducted mandatory GDPR and security awareness training for the purpose of educating our employees in order to comply with the regulations. 

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